Welcome to the Finnish Somali League Homepage!

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The mission of Finnish Somali League – founded in 1996 –  is to act as a capable umbrella organization of Somali associations based in Finland. 

The Office of the Finnish Somali League is located at Helsinki Hermanni at Haukilahdenkatu 2D (3rd floor), 00550 Helsinki. The office is open on weekdays from 9am to 4pm.

The key action areas

  • Advocacy
  • Advisory services
  • Promoting integration
  • Supporting employment
  • Reduction of prejudice.

As an umbrella organization the League has unique and invaluable insight to the lives of Somali minority in Finland. The League represents them in  a variety of national and international bodies and networks. The League is also actively engaged in advocacy and consultancy in collaboration with Finnish authorities.

The League promotes Somali culture in Finland, supports Finnish Somali population in their efforts to integrate into their new host society and seeks to generate and maintain mutual understanding.

As part of the League’s communications strategy, we have also established an active presence in social media to compliment our work. We can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

The Finnish Somali League is financed by Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA), the City of Helsinki, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Svenska Kulturfonden and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. In addition, the Finnish Somali League has its own fund raising among other things in the membership fees.


The strategic priorities for 2020:

  • The National Federation, which has an extensive network of local member associations as well as active co-operation with them
  • Activate young people and women into activities and decision making
  • Stable and well-known expert organization
  • Prevent discrimination and prejudice
  • Promote the integration to the finnish society


Finnish Somali League seeks to influence changes in the law and other social processes already at the planning stage by actively participating in the hearings, steering and working groups and advisory committees. Finnish Somali League has worked in  Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations ETNO and sustainable development committee for several years.


The Finnish Somali League currently has 46 member organizations and 160 private person members throughout Finland. For its members the League offers guidance and help with what ever problems and challenges they face. Special emphasis is on supporting education and assisting in finding employment. Finnish language classes are also regularly offered.

By joining as a member, you enjoy the membership benefits while also supporting the activities of the Finnish Somali League. Membership is valid for one year from the date of payment.

For more information about members, please visit here (only in finnish).