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The Finnish Somali League aims to influence legal changes and other social processes already in their preparation stage by actively participating in consultations, steering and working groups and advisory boards. The league has acted among: Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (ETNO) and Commission for Sustainable Development for several years.

We do a lot of cooperation every year with different associations and actors. The most visible collaborative patterns in 2017 were related to: In cooperation with 40 other organizations a refugee campaign (#mevälitämme), ongoing cooperation with the Blood Service, World Village Festival cooperation with Moniheli and the counseling service of the Puhos Multi-Center.

Representations in steering groups

Statements law changes

Finnish only.


  • Statement on the draft of the promotion of integration law (HE 96/2018 vp) 6.11.2018 


  • Statement of the law presentation by Ministry of the Interior about tightening the criteria of family reunification 19.02.2016
  • Statement on the State Integration Program 2016-2019 29.01.2016


  • Statement on the Government’s proposal to the Parliament of an ID card law by the Ministry of the Interior 17.11.2015


  • Statement on the draft law on Employment and Equality Committee (HE 170/2014 vp) 13.10.2014
  • Statement on the Ministry of Justice’s assessment memo on regulating so-called refugee spying as punishable 31.01.2014


  • Statement for the Deputy Chancellor of Justice Mikko Puumalainen’s of the Ministry of the Interior and to the Immigration Service as a background to the visit to the Immigration Department 20.11.2013
  • Statement on the proposal for a new legislation on equality 19.05.2013


  • Statement of the foreigner law background review of the family reunification regulation 06.07.2012
  • Statement on an action program against illegal immigration 15.06.2012
  • Statement on the Civil Society Agenda of the Ministry of Justice 21.03.2012


  1. Amnesty
  2. Asukastalo Ankkuri
  3. CamelCafe
  4. Cimo
  5. Edupoli
  6. Espoon Ohjaamo
  7. Finland svenska informations- och kultur centret Luckan
  8. Helsingin kaupunki
  9. Hertsikan pumppu
  10. Hilma
  11. Itä-Vantaan somalikulttuuri ry
  12. Järjestöhautomo
  13. Keski-Suomen somaliyhdistys ry
  14. Konsom ry
  15. Lieksan somaliperheyhdistys
  16. Liikunta ja kulttuuriministriö
  17. Maahanmuuttajien työllistämis- ja integrointi ry
  18. Moniheli ry
  19. Nuorisoasiainkeskus
  20. Onkod ry
  21. Opetushallitus (ohjausryhmä)
  22. Oppimistaito
  23. Pakolaisapu
  24. Puhoksen Monikeskus
  25. Pohjois-Suomen somalialaisten tukiyhdistys ry
  26. Rauhankasvatusinstituutti
  27. Sisäministeriö (ja Poliisihallitus) (ohjausryhmä)
  28. Sovinto ry
  29. Stadin ammattiopisto
  30. Stadin osaamiskeskus
  31. STEA
  32. Suomen Somalia-verkosto
  33. Suomalais-ruotsalainen kulttuurikeskus Hanasaari
  34. TEM
  35. Yhdenvertaisuusvaltuutetun toimisto
  36. Vamos
  37. Vantaan aikuisopisto
  38. Vantaan Ohjaamo
  39. Vantaan ammattiopisto Varia
  40. Vigor
  41. Vihreä sivistys- ja opintokeskus Visio
  42. Viikin nuorisotalo