The Finnish Somali League launched the STEA-funded workable everyday life in Somali families after divorce (SAVIOR)-initiative in March 2022. The primary goal of the initiative is to support Finnish Somali families after divorce. The secondary goals of the initiative include securing the position of the child during and after divorce and supporting the improvement of the knowledge and skills of parents relating to childcare and childrearing as well as their own rights and responsibilities in case of divorce.
Divorced families are provided a broad range of support by the initiative, including disseminating information, organising peer support groups and providing expert seminars. The initiative is national, but looks to work with Somali families in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in particular.
These pages will include information and resources relevant to the initiative. The work in the initiative has three cornerstones:
Peer support groups
The peer support groups organised by the initiative provide peer support, shared activities and conversation company for divorcees:
Mothers’ group every Thursday 17-19, location: Finnish Somali League office, Opastinsilta 6 J, 00520 Helsinki.
Fathers’ group every Friday 17-19, location: Itä-Vantaan yhteisö ry, Rasinkatu 10, 01360 Vantaa.
The activities in the groups will be planned and updated based on the wishes of the participants.
Expert seminars
The expert seminars will provide parents with information on divorce and post-divorce life from experts in the field. The primary aim of the seminars is supporting the improvement of the skill and knowledge base of parents in managing their everyday life after divorce.
Previous seminars:
4.12.2024, SAVIOR final seminar
8.3.2024, Parental Separation ABC, Yhden Vanhemman Perheiden Liitto ry (Single Parent Families Association)
17.11.2023, Alienation techniques, Isät lasten asialla ry (Fathers for Children Association)
5.10.2023, Women’s rights and forms of violence, Monika-naiset ry (Multicultural Women’s Association)
10.3.2023, Co-parenting after divorce, The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters
2.12.2022, Child Welfare Services, The Central Union for Child Welfare
10.10.2022, Legal Lounge: Divorce from the perspective of the Finnish legal system (watch video clips of the seminar by clicking the link, Finnish/Somali)
9.9.2022, Divorce according to the Islamic faith
National Finnish, English and Somali counseling telephone
The counseling telephone provides support and advice for members of the Finnish Somali community who feel they may need it. Advice is provided in Finnish, English and Somali. The counseling telephone is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 15 o’clock. Those in need of support, advice and additional information can also contact the project workers through the chat provided in the League’s home page.
Finnish and English counseling telephone: +358 50 566 3318
Somali counseling telephone: +358 50 569 6078
The other work done in the initiative will be announced on these pages as the initiative advances. Please feel welcome to get involved in the activities of the SAVIOR-initiative!
Project workers and contact information:
SAVIOR project coordinator:
Nina Koivuniemi
+358 50 566 3318
SAVIOR project worker:
Shugri Mohamed
+358 50 569 6078